Global AI Ethics Webinar

This event has ended

More about the event
Register for Global AI Ethics Webinar , 17.03.2021.
11:25 – Gathering of participants
11:30 - Intro – Aco Momcilovic
11:31 Emmanuel Goffi, Director of Institute Sapiens – Observatory on Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: Cultural differences in the ethical assessment of AI
11:50 Idoia Salazar, President of OdiseIA - Social and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence Observatory: A Chinese robot shouldn't be the same as a European one. Why not?
12:10 Jassim Haji, President Artificial Intelligence Society Bahrain at Artificial Intelligence Society: Ethical concerns of AI in Cyber Security: A Middle Eastern Perspective
12:30 Panel Discussion - The quest for a universal code of ethics!
13:00 Closing Word: Aco Momcilovic, National AI Capital Project Owner
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