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Buy tickets for JOZEF VAN WISSEM, 29.05.2024. in Channel Zero, Ljubljana
Najslavnejši lutnjist na svetu prihaja v KUD Channel Zero!
Avantgardni virtuoz iz sveta srednjeveške glasbe, skladatelj in najbolj znan igralec lutnje na svetu — Jozef van Wissem. Že na začetku svoje skladateljske kariere si je van Wissem zastavil cilj, da bi edinstvene zvoke baročne lutnje približal široki javnosti, kar mu je popolnoma uspelo.
Sodeluje z Jimom Jarmuschem, Jamesom Blackshawom, Zolo Jesus in številnimi drugimi izvrstnimi umetniki. Za glasbeno podlago vampirske drame »Večna ljubimca« (Only Lovers Left Alive) je prejel prestižno nagrado Filmskega festivala v Cannesu.
Jozef van Wissem je izdal že več kot 20 dolgometražnih albumov z izjemnimi glasbenimi relikti, vključno z najnovejšim LP-jem »Behold ! I Make All Things New«. Ta instrumentalni neoklasični album je bil posnet v lockdownu med letoma 2019 in 2021.
S svojo unikatno črno baročno lutnjo nastopa na številnih koncertih po vsem svetu: v akademskih dvoranah, katoliških katedralah in na najprestižnejših festivalih, kot sta ATP in Primavera Sound. Zdaj pa van Vissem prihaja v KUD Channel Zero, kjer bo poslušalce popeljal v zelo osebni in čudoviti svet, poln temačnih doživetij in neponovljivih občutkov.
Jozef van Wissem: INST | FB | YOUTUBE | BANDCAMP
Сonnected Agency: INST | FB
Channel Zero: INST | FB
Za novinarske upite pišite na [email protected]
The best-known lute player in the world will perform at Mocvara!
Avant-garde adept from the world of medieval music, composer and best-known lute player in the world — Jozef van Wissem. Since the beginning of composer's career Van Wissem has set a goal to bring the sounds of one-of-a-kind baroque lute to large audience, which he fully succeeded in.
Winner of the Cannes Film Festival for vampire drama «Only Lovers Left Alive» soundtrack — Van Wissem have a high profile collaborations with Jim Jarmusch, James Blackshaw, Zola Jesus and many more amazing figures of the artistic industry.
Jozef van Wissem has released more than 20 full-length albums with outstanding musical relics, including his latest LP «Behold ! I Make All Things New» — instrumental, neo-classical work, recorded in lockdown between 2019 and 2021.
Participant at a huge number of concerts around the world in academic halls, catholic cathedrals and at the most prestigious festivals like ATP and Primavera Sound playing his all black baroque custom lute. Now van Vissem goes to the oldest Belgrade’s cinema to immerse listeners in his personal and wonderful world, full of dark experiences and unique feelings.
Jozef van Wissem: INST | FB | YOUTUBE | BANDCAMP
Сonnected Agency: INST | FB
Channel Zero: INST | FB