Create event

Due to the transition to Euro, it is currently not possible to create new events

Organized similar event before?

Do you charge admission to the event?

What kind of event are you organizing?

What, when, where?

In four short steps you will set up your free web shop and finally enable your attendees to buy tickets from couch
Required field

CET Timezone

Required field
WARNING! Chosen time 00:00 marks BEGINNING of the day {{currentSelectedDate}} 00:00.
If you want to choose END of that day or beginning of the next day - choose {{nextDayDate}} 00:00 instead.

CET Timezone

Required field
WARNING! Chosen time 00:00 marks BEGINNING of the day {{currentSelectedDateEnd}} 00:00.
If you want to choose END of that day or beginning of the next day - choose {{nextDayDateEnd}} 00:00 instead.

CET Timezone

Required field
Required field
Required field
Required field
Required field
Required field

Required field

You can move the marker manually if the location is not precise!

When creating a new location you must first place the location pin on the map before moving forward.


This is the most important step - create all your event tickets, categorize them by price, purchase time or additional services - sky is the limit ;)
Name Quantity Price Ticket availability
{{ ticketCategory.category_name }}
{{ ticketCategory.tickets_available }}
{{ price.price }} {{ price.currency }} ({{ price.price }} {{ price.currency }})
{{ price.price }} {{ price.currency }} ({{ price.price }} {{ price.currency }})
{{ price.price }} {{ price.currency }} ({{ price.price }} {{ price.currency }})
{{ price.price }} {{ price.currency }} ({{ price.price }} {{ price.currency }})
{{ ticketCategory.startDate }}
{{ ticketCategory.endDate }}
Required field
Ticket category with this name already exists. Please choose another name.
Required field
Minimum number 1
Required field
Required field
Required field
The price must be rounded
Remove price

CET Timezone

Required field

CET Timezone

Required field
WARNING! Chosen time 00:00 marks BEGINNING of the day {{currentSelectedCategoryDate}} 00:00.
If you want to choose END of that day or beginning of the next day - choose {{nextDayCategoryDate}} 00:00 instead.
WARNING! Chosen time 00:00 marks BEGINNING of the day {{currentSelectedCategoryDateEnd}} 00:00.
If you want to choose END of that day or beginning of the next day - choose {{nextDayCategoryDateEnd}} 00:00 instead.

Ticket selection number limit

Minimum number
Maximum number

Example: Buyer will be able to choose {{ticketCategory.start_example}}... tickets, up to a maximum of {{ticketCategory.end_example}} tickets.

PDF ticket type:

Maximum number of tickets sold for the entire event:

Required field
Minimum number 1


The following setting applies to all your events (only the event organizer receives notifications)

Sending channel

Sending frequency

Custom fields

Collect additional info from your buyers
Field name Collection Required field Note
{{ field.real_field_name ? field.real_field_name : showFieldTranslatedName(field) }}
{{ showFieldDescription(field) }}

Your event has no custom fields yet. Press the button below to add a custom field.

In order to proceed you must fill all the previous steps. Take care of marked fields.

If you want, you can add extra details here

This fields are not required, but we recommend you to fill them in order for your visitors to have as much information as possible. :)


Required element for better impression and higher conversions

min 900x1200px max 5MB

Marketing banner

min 761x341pxmax 5MB

min 1920x860pxmax 5MB

Information about the organizer

Is this a private or public event?

All events undergo manual authorization prior to publication and Entrio reserves the right not to publish the event on the Entrio platform, without any further explanation. The authorization may take up to three business days, so please be patient. Private events will never be published on the Entrio platform or indexed by Google.

Sales channels

Below you can see which sales channels are currently enabled and which you can manage yourself


Bank card payment is the basic and fastest way to pay on Entri and it is always enabled.

At the outlets

Entrio distribution through physical POS may be enabled by the Entrio team as part of the event authorization process. We enable POS distribution exclusively for commercial events suitable for such distribution and we reserve the discretion to decide on each event.

Check out our outlets

Bank transfer

Paying by bank transfer is the slowest way to make a purchase, since buyers first book tickets that are in the reservation state until customers make a payment. Although we communicate to customers that they have to make a payment within 48 hours, tickets can stay reserved up to 2 weeks. For this reason, this payment method is not recommended for events with high-dynamic sales, but is extremely desirable for all other events and customers who do not use card payment.

Entrio commission and fees

The cost of using the Entrio system consists of:

(1) Entrio intermediary commission paid by the Event Organizer

For physical events, the commission is 8.5% + DDV of the gross ticket price unless otherwise agreed.

(2) Ticketing fees normally paid by the customer in addition to the price of each ticket

The fee per ticket is 1.00 EUR with DDV.
The fee is calculated on each sales channel (internet, points of sale, etc.) and for each method of payment (cash, cards, bank payment, etc.).
The fee for issuing a ticket is not calculated on free tickets, tickets with a 100% discount or on tickets sold at the entrance to the event.

Choose whether you want the Booking fee to be paid by the buyer or take it upon yourself:

Required field

Above tickets are subject to following taxes

Required field
Required field

Select company

Add new company
Required field


Address (street name and house number): {{companyInfo.pay_address}}
{{companyInfo.pay_city}} ({{companyInfo.pay_country}})

Company VAT ID number (VATIN): {{companyInfo.pay_vat_id_number}}
Account number: {{companyInfo.pay_iban}}

Contact: {{companyInfo.pay_phone}}
Contact email for billing and finances: {{companyInfo.pay_billing_email}}

Organizer is a VAT payer.
Organizer is not subject to DDV under {{companyInfo.not_in_vat_system_info}}
Required field
Required field
Required field
Required field
Required field
IBAN - You entered invalid data. Please try again.
Required field
Required field
Required field
Required field

Required field
Required field
Required field
By pressing the button "Save" you completely agree with Entrio Sales Terms
which form an electronic contract between you and d.o.o.

Don't worry, you'll be able to change it later

Don't worry, you'll be able to change it later